If you were challenged to find some groundedness a couple weeks ago when Jupiter squared Neptune, take heart: This Thursday, January 31, you can find some new footing with Saturn sextile Neptune. Saturn asks us to do the work. It helps us to find our sense of duty in the world and rewards those who put in the effort. With Saturn sextile Neptune, we can all make progress within our spiritual paths and spiritual work. For anyone who has a spiritually-based business, or performs acts of service or healing, this can be an auspicious time. Especially if you have been challenged by blurred boundaries, demanding clients, or unrealistic expectations. In this world where we are taught that the “customer is always right,” it’s very difficult to know where that rule begins and ends. From a consumer side of things, many people have confused the message with thinking that they can buy their way to rudeness. And when companies of all sizes are willing to accommodate anything less than respect towards their staff, it can give people a serious superiority complex. They start to think they can get away with anything they want, and that every demand should be met. But if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of such behaviours (and so many of us have), you know that realistically, everyone has their limits. We can only do so much. We can only say “yes” so many times before we run out of time and energy to commit to it all. We can only give if we are taking time to refill our own reserves. This week gives each of us the chance to see where our acts of service – whether they are personal, or professional – are coming from a sustainable place. If not, take some time this week to firm up your boundaries, look at what you are ready to stop doing, and let yourself say no where it’s necessary. This is also a great time to map out any spiritual goals for yourself at this time. If you want to deepen your devotion to an existing practice, explore a new path, or connect with your deities or guides for their support with a special plan, set some time aside this week to reflect on those dreams. On Saturday, February 2, we welcome Imbolc. This is the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.
“My acts of service are stronger when I sustain myself.” Until next time, Liz xo
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The Sun entered Aquarius yesterday, Sunday, January 20. As we come out of Capricorn season, which is a time when many of us become extra focused on goals or plans for the year-ahead, it’s important to take a moment to breathe. Acknowledge the shift out of earth energy and into air, where we are encouraged to look up from our work and day dream a little bit more.
Aquarius is an energetic opportunity to make your own fun, especially if you aren’t feeling very energized right now. It is also a reminder that spring really is just around the corner; Imbolc, which is celebrated on February 2, is a time when we can begin to hold the seeds of what we want to plant come springtime. Aquarius’ future-oriented energy allows us to transcend the everyday experience and begin to envision all of our plans coming to fruition. As you allow yourself to reflect on what those plans may be, take a moment to connect with today’s Full Moon in Leo and lunar eclipse. This lunar eclipse is the final chapter in the story of the Leo-Aquarius eclipse cycle that began in 2016. As full moons can act as culmination points, it might be a nice time to reflect back on what emerged for you over the last few years in regards to what you are creating, how you are being seen, and your relationship with recognition. Eclipses can act as catalysts that introduce change into our lives, but the effects are not always immediately obvious. Remember that change can come in the smallest forms. A song you hear might spark some inspiration, or a comment someone makes might get you thinking about something that sends you down a whole new path. Likewise, the feelings that get stirred can be signs, too. Like the resentment that builds when a colleague takes credit for your idea, or the envy you feel when someone has something you really want. Ask yourself how you can be motivated by the tough stuff. Explore what’s keeping you from getting what you want, or get inspired to work harder towards a special goal. Look at the story you have been living and how it affects your ability to shine, connect, and create. Look for all the ways you’ve been motivated in recent years and consider those influences treasures you can mine in the year to come. If it helps, here is an intention you can work with throughout the week: “I am ready to be the star in my own story.” And if you would like to connect with this week’s Leo Full Moon and lunar eclipse, here is a tarot spread you can try at home: 1. What story did the Leo-Aquarius eclipse series open for me? 2. What final chapter can I take from today’s Full Moon in Leo? 3. What is ready to change through this lunar eclipse? 4. What am I ready to step into this year? Until next time, Liz xo
1/14/2019 1 Comment Jupiter square Neptune: Reality check or a test of faith? A look at the energy of the week ahead.A major astrological transit to watch this year is Jupiter square Neptune, which was exact yesterday, Sunday, January 13. What does this mean, exactly? Jupiter is hopeful, optimistic, expansive. It helps us to have faith in overcoming barriers. It helps us to connect with our higher selves in order to grow. Neptune is dreamy, spiritual, and deep. It helps us to connect to the divine and to channel new creative visions. It is the ruler of poetry, dreams, magic, and illusion. Both planets are at home right now: Jupiter is in Sagittarius, Neptune in Pisces. They are at their most powerful, but potency doesn’t necessarily bring blessings across the board. Jupiter in Sagittarius can struggle to see – or acknowledge – its limitations. It wants to move forward with the hope that everything will work out just fine. Neptune’s influence can be confusing. This planet dissolves boundaries, which can be a good thing if that’s what you need. The problematic side of it is that Neptune can make it hard for us to know what’s real, and what’s just an illusion. Delusion and misperception can become big issues when Jupiter and Neptune square off, which they will do in January, June and September. These are times to be extra-careful with big plans and promises. By all means think big – Jupiter in Sagittarius can certainly help with that – but back your sh*t up, especially if you are making commitments you’re not sure you can keep. Otherwise, it can be all too easy to be blindsided by reality this year to the point where you might have to go back on your word. Similarly, this also applies to opportunities that may be coming our way that seem too good to be true. If someone is making you promises that you’re not sure they can deliver on, listen to your gut. Even though it may be a little harder to hear that inner voice right now, it’s still important to listen. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should turn yourself away from all the good things in life now and throughout the year. Just be aware that we can all be a bit more naïve these days, and that our faith in something, or someone (including ourselves) may be tested along the way. Spiritual growth can accelerate now, too, though again, we have to be careful to stay grounded on any spiritual path as well. By all means dive deep into a practice, but remember that Neptune can have escapist tendencies. It’s easy to lose touch with reality when we go too far in any one direction, and false gurus and guides can come out of the woodwork throughout the year. Choose your temples and teachers wisely. And be careful that you’re not pushing yourself to become an expert too soon, either. There’s a big trend right now in spiritual and divinatory practices for people to learn fast and try to start a business right away.
If it helps, here is an intention to take with you throughout the week: “I intend to move forward with anchored, grounded focus. I intend to keep my heart and mind clear of any unnecessary confusion.” Until next time, Liz xo
Good sleep can be hard to come by for many people. For some, falling asleep can take hours because they just can’t turn off their brain; for others, staying asleep is the problem. There are many factors that can contribute to a sleepless night and many different ways that a lack of rest can affect you, both mentally and physically. Many people are unaware of just how much sleep deprivation can take from them and what those effects can do over time. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help yourself get better rest. Creating a sleep routine that you can stick with is a great start; it might include changing your diet, getting daily exercise, or making lifestyle changes that will help you relax and reduce stress or anxiety. The way you feel can have a huge effect on your ability to unwind at the end of the day, turning your rest habits and your mental health status into a cyclical pattern. Keep reading for tips on how to get better sleep for the sake of your mind and body.
Getting the right amount of sleep can be tricky, especially if you’re a busy professional or if you have existing health issues. Talk to your doctor about the best ways to get rest if you’re still having trouble after making some changes, and keep him informed on your lifestyle so he can help guide you down the best path for incredible sleep. Sheila Olsen
Sheila Olson has been a personal trainer for five years. She believes the best way to achieve physical fitness and good health is to set and tackle small goals. She encourages her clients to stay positive and incorporates mindfulness and practices for reducing negative talk into her sessions. She created FitSheila.com to spread the word about her fitness philosophy. After a five-month retrograde period, Uranus stationed direct yesterday, Sunday, January 6. Last May, Uranus – the planet of innovation, rebellion, and evolution – entered Taurus for the first time since 1942. During its retrograde period, it slipped back into Aries, where it was from 2011 until 2018 when it began its transit through Taurus. Because Uranus spends about seven years in a sign, it can herald new eras within our collective experiences. It is a generational planet that colours longer-term themes, inventions, beliefs, and politics. But like anything in the collective, Uranus’ energies also affect our personal consciousness. Uranus’ entry into Taurus is a significant shift to pay attention to. It marks a turning point in our world when it comes to our relationships with work, money, the body, and more. (Here’s a deeper discussion into Uranus in Taurus if you want to learn more.) In Aries, Uranus can be intensely creative and pioneering, but like anything else, those energies have to be used to wisely. Uranus in Aries can also give way to individual extremism and a culture that forgets how to balance differing viewpoints. Whatever happens with Uranus in Taurus, Uranus in Aries has been paving the way towards it. During Uranus’ retrograde in Aries, you may have had another chance to revisit a theme that emerged for you from 2011 to 2018. If you need to do a bit more work on your personal freedoms and independence, Uranus may put the pressure on to work through any challenges with authority, or with commitments that were not allowing you to evolve to new potentials. This planet will continue to travel through Aries until March 6, when it re-enters Taurus. How can you expand your own horizons with the energy of this time? Today, Venus enters Sagittarius, where she will stay until February 3. The planet of desire in freedom-seeking Sag encourages us to find inspiration through our connections with the world around us.
If it helps, here is an intention to take with you throughout the week: “I am consciously creating my reality.” Until next time, Liz xo p.s. Are you interested in using more astrology in your everyday life this year? Join me Monday, January 21 for a talk about the astrology of 2019 at the Inner Arts Collective. Visit lizworth.com/events to register. Want to book a private tarot or astrology reading with me instead? You can do that here: lizworth.com/readings
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