Mercury also goes direct on July 31 at 11:58pm, less than an hour after the Moon begins anew. See how you feel when you wake up on Thursday, August 1. A veil is being lifted somewhere in your life and fresh clarity and confidence are set to grow throughout the month ahead. As this Mercury retrograde period winds down, I encourage you to be like the Hanged Man and take some time out to reflect and review all that has transpired or occurred throughout these last few weeks.
If you would like to connect with this week’s New Moon in Leo, here is a tarot spread to help:
Until next time, Liz xo p.s. If you would like to connect with this week’s New Moon and more, my New Moon Meditations will help you connect to each lunar cycle for deep intention-setting. Order yours here.
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7/22/2019 0 Comments Welcoming Leo season
Whatever you’ve been up to lately, I hope it’s been serving you well. And if you’ve been caught up in other things, perhaps something you hadn’t planned on doing or working on this summer, that’s okay, too: You never know why things unfold when they do, or the way they do. Leo season helps us get a second wind if we need it. Personally, I find this time of year to be one of the most free-flowing. Maybe it’s the fiery energy of Leo that provides an added boost to each day. Leo’s gregarious, larger-than-life energy can bring some encouragement to go out and make something happen, or make the most of what’s left of the summer season. Leo also likes to be social, and to be seen. It helps us be out and about, and helps us say yes to all the ways life can unfold – socially, creatively, and personally. This Saturday, July 27, Venus joins Mars and the Sun when she enters Leo, too, bringing some added fire to the sky. Jupiter remains in Sagittarius, another fire sign.
Thinking ahead like that pushes you to look at what you are doing today, right here, right now, and whether it will lead you to where you want to be in several years’ time. And that can be part of the reason those questions get so uncomfortable – especially if they cause us to see that our current actions may not be lining up with tomorrow’s intentions. Tomorrow’s Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Capricorn at 5:38pm EST can help to clear out any habits, commitments, or obligations that are anchoring you to a place you don’t want to be in down the road. Whether you see yourself breaking free next month, or next year, or sometime further off into the future, a tether can begin to loosen this week. This Full Moon opposes Venus in Cancer, pushing you to weigh your desires against your duties. But with a conjunction to Saturn and Pluto, there is also a dose of reality with this Full Moon.
Here’s a tarot spread to help you connect to this week’s Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Capricorn:
1. What is weighing me down? 2. How can I begin to break free? 3. What new perspective can I gain at this time? 4. What fear is it time to overcome? Until next time, Liz xo Eclipse season is a great time to get a reading. Book an appointment with me here. Want to work with me in other ways? Explore my books and meditations in my shop.
The frustration that arises while Mercury remains in Leo may at first feel more connected to creative projects or plans, or anything that pushes you to become front and centre. You may suddenly wonder if you’re ready to be doing what you’re doing, or you might realize there’s something that needs to be tweaked before you make a big announcement or launch an idea into the world. Once Mercury backs up into Cancer on July 19, the focus becomes much more about feelings – ours and everyone else’s. This can be a particularly powerful time to sort through the tough stuff within your personal relationships:
These are just a few examples of the themes that can emerge during this summer’s Mercury retrograde period.
7/2/2019 2 Comments Sigil Making (by Nick Veit)
Having drawn this simple sigil I can spend some time meditating on it, following it with my eyes and even trying to make a mental image in my memory that I can hold. A strong memory is a great asset to sigil making and can also result from it. You could make a simple sigil like this one and then close your eyes and try to bring it to mind as clearly as possible before opening your eyes and experiencing the subtle differences between your imaginative image and what you see with your eyes. Try to imagine as vividly as possible before looking at the drawing. Really commit to it. You may think of your visualization as a loving offering to the reality of what you see with your eyes and the world to which it belongs. Honour what you see with your eyes for what it is—no more, no less. If you do this process a few times, you’ll probably find a sort of conversation happens between the sigil, your consciousness and your intention/affirmation etc. This experience is often one that you can feel in your whole body as a form of tension and balance. For me this is very tactile and sculptural, but everyone is different. Focusing on specific parts of the sigil is important for this process, as individual letters and words that form part of the original statement come to have more organic relationships with one another as parts of a whole.
If you experience morphing and shifting of different parts of the drawing within your visual field this is very good, and it is very beneficial for you to use the original image with its definite proportions and shapes etc., as a grounding point for this intensive movement and fluidity—have faith, honour and trust in the external reality of the physical drawing. If and when your imagination becomes so strong that it seems as if the unified being that is your sigil is something that exists in our consciousness as an image in your mind’s eye, keep the image there in your mind’s eye and maintain the subtle awareness that “there is a drawing, this image that I see in my mind’s eye relates to something definite and concrete.” After a little while, go do something else while holding this awareness for a few moments. Being keenly aware of the physical reality of the sigil is important, and it is a visceral experience which is key for developing a strong memory and imagination. After a short while, take a deep breath and let the image go.
But Mars in Leo can also give some people too much bravado. Channeled differently, it can make some of us hungry for attention. It can over-inflate an ego, or highlight a pushy, impatient vibe within the collective. At its worst, Leo can be all about, “me, me, me.” So if you’re being sidelined by an attention-seeker at work, or perhaps you’re noticing some of these traits within yourself, use this time to redirect this energy towards something that feels more constructive: Put time into your own projects, for example, or create clear action steps that will help you gain the credit and recognition you want in a positive, constructive way.
Anyone who is hoping to set intentions around making more time for friends and family, or focusing on more personal goals will want to connect with this week’s New Moon. Ask yourself:
“What do I hope to experience in my life as a result of the changes I would like to make?” On Wednesday, July 3, Venus enters Cancer, too, bringing us added emphasis around personal and intuitive pursuits. If you’d like to connect with this week’s New Moon and solar eclipse in Cancer, here’s a tarot spread that can help: 1. What kind of change is in the air for me? 2. What can I create as a result? 3. What does my heart desire at this time? 4. What can I experience if I surrender to change? Until next time, Liz xo |
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