Looking for some mystical yet practical guidance to help you hit the ground running each week? I’m here with my Tarot cards to give you the insight and illumination that you need to make the most of the energy of the week. Take a moment, take a breath, and look at the image below. Choose the card that is most calling to you, 1, 2 or 3… this is your personal message from the universe to inspire and empower you in the days ahead. Your message revealed: This week there is an opportunity to shine, to see things with razor sharp clarity, and to nurture your own potential. Card #1: King of Swords Logic and detachment will serve you well today. If you need to make a decision, do it based on facts and good judgement rather than being swayed by emotion or the wishes of others. Your personal ethics may be challenged, don’t waver. This is also a good time to seek the advice of an expert if you are feeling out of your depth in some area. Card #2: The Star A gentle healing energy, the calm after the storm. If you have been going through a difficult time, let the light of the Star rekindle a feeling of hope, faith and optimism. Open your heart and share your gifts generously. Be the star of your own life story, let your own true light shine. Release your fears and doubts, you are on the right track. Card #3: Knight of Pentacles Keep moving forward but take things slow today, be patient, be reliable. Understand that things take time to grow. What are you now nurturing? What needs your attention and care? Cultivate your potential and you will be amazed at how beautifully you flourish! This is a great time to consolidate your finances or secure your position at work. Also, appreciate a person who plays this role in your life, the quiet rock who is always there when you need them. Images from the Centennial Smith Waite Tarot. I wish you a week of growth, insight and hope! Need more personalized and in depth guidance from the cards? Book your Tarot reading with Lori Lytle at the Inner Arts Collective at www.innergoddesstarot.com.
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Looking for some mystical yet practical guidance to help you hit the ground running each week? I’m here with my Tarot cards to give you the insight and illumination that you need to make the most of the energy of the week. Take a moment, take a breath, and look at the image below. Choose the card that is most calling to you, 1, 2 or 3… this is your personal message from the universe to inspire and empower you in the days ahead. Your message revealed: This week we must find balance between love and passion, action and inaction, inner and outer. Card #1: Queen of Cups An emotional week...be aware of your moods and flow with them. Don’t be afraid to dive deep. Listen to your intuition and act from the heart. There is someone around you who could use a kind word and a shoulder to cry on, they may come to you for comfort and support rather than answers or solutions. You can honor and experience your feelings today without drowning in them or getting lost in the feelings of others. Card #2: Knight of Wands Feeling a little stuck? Shake things up, do something different, be adventurous. If there is something that you’ve been wanting to try, today’s the day. Stop sitting still, go after your passion! Get fired up, be bold. OR, let someone shake YOU up. On a pragmatic note, if an opportunity to travel appears today, it would do you some good. Card #3: Two of Swords What is it that you don’t want to see? Are you at a stalemate, going back and forth between two options? There is a decision or a choice that needs to be made in order for you to be able to move forward. Take the time you need, make sure that you have all necessary information, and then make that move. Don’t get stuck. (INSERT IMAGE: May_23_2017) I wish you a week of passion, deep love and reflection! ![]() Images from the Centennial Smith Waite Tarot. Need more personalized and in depth guidance from the cards? Book your Tarot reading with Lori Lytle at the Inner Arts Collective at www.innergoddesstarot.com. Lori Lytle
5/18/2017 1 Comment I Am My Own BelovedThe impetus for this poem was that it was Valentine's Day a number of years ago and I was between boyfriends. I thought to myself, I can write my own love poem! I don't have to wait to receive one from a beloved - that ultimately I'm my own beloved. My suggestion is to read this love poem to yourself, in front of a mirror and really allow yourself to believe the words you're speaking aloud. It can be transformative! LOVE POEM TO MYSELF by Annalene Hart I am special I am beautiful I am magnificent I am stunning I am breathtaking I am delicious I am radiant I am a treat I am rejuvenating I am unbelievable I am miraculous I am delectable I am scrumptious I am enticing I am icing I am iridescent I am marvelous I am wonderful I am super incredible I am divine I am because I am I am that I am I am what I am I am in love with myself I love myself I am lovable I am lovely I love my lovely lovable self I love that I am in love Oh indescribable love Oh how I love thee I am special I am beautiful I am magnificent Lovable, lovely me Whoopee... Annalene Hart
It is the relationship between the hills and the rivers that speaks volumes, reminding us that the hidden aspects of the moon are as important as the visible, like this quote by Max Heindel:
We have so much to learn from nature, and from seeing ourselves not as disconnected from it, but another aspect or embodiment of it, adhering to the same laws and principles, the same resources and processes to pull us through times of change and transformation. If you're interested in learning how to apply palmistry into your assessment process with clients over time, you may be interested in attending my upcoming workshop, scheduled for May 27th from 1:30-4:30pm at the Inner Arts Collective: "The Landscape of the Hand": Registration Required. Please email Melanie at [email protected], or use the link provided here: Melanie Ollenberg![]() Melanie has been reading hands for over 20 years, with appearances on the Discovery Channel, Much Music, the Steve and Chris Show, and Talk3600. She has a degree in Health Science, is a Reiki Master, and Kundalini and Hatha Yoga practitioner. Melanie has tried her hand in a range of positions in the health, education, and psycho-spiritual sectors, and after 25 years of counselling, community development, program design and system improvement work, she realized how deeply her work was rooted in a passion for the healing arts. Now a mother of 2, Melanie is committed to creating communities of resilience, learning, and transformation through her family, work, and neighbourhood. She believes in bringing worlds of resources, knowledge, and experience together to make communities stronger, aware, and sustainable - particularly through her journey as Co-Founder of the Inner Arts Collective, and through her palmistry and reiki instruction at Kore Changes. Looking for some mystical yet practical guidance to help you hit the ground running each week? I’m here with my Tarot cards to give you the insight and illumination that you need to make the most of the energy of the week. Take a moment, take a breath, and look at the image below. Choose the card that is most calling to you, 1, 2 or 3… this is your personal message from the universe to inspire and empower you in the days ahead. Your message revealed: This week, love rules supreme, with under currents of truth, honest communication and self-knowledge. Card #1: Seven of Swords Someone isn’t being completely honest. They are looking out for themselves, trying to get away with something, wanting to have their cake and eat it too…is it someone around you, or is it you? Keep your eyes open, time to get real. Card #2: Queen of Swords No time for nonsense or time-wasters today. Speak clearly, concisely, make decisions quickly and with authority. You are sharp today, your perception is clear, you can see through to the heart of people and their motivations. Feel your power, it comes from the mind today rather than the heart. Card #3: The Lovers Recognize and value the power of love in your life, whether it’s romantic love, deep friendship, or the love you feel for your own dear self. Bodes well if you are in a relationship, it feels deep and mature. Also a good sign if you are currently seeking love, the real thing is out there. On a different note, if you need to make a choice or a decision today, be sure to stick to your own ethics and moral high ground, even if someone is urging you to take the low or easier road. I wish you a week of love, clarity, and satisfaction ahead! Images from the Centennial Smith Waite Tarot. Need more personalized and in depth guidance from the cards? Book your Tarot reading with Lori Lytle at the Inner Arts Collective at www.innergoddesstarot.com. Lori Lytle
5/11/2017 0 Comments On the Benevolence of the ButcherHave you ever heard of Adam Smith? Other than having the plainest name ever, Adam Smith was a philosopher and economist in the 18th century and he wrote a very important work called On the Wealth of Nations. This book was the first to outline the ideas of capitalism at the beginning of the industrial revolution—it basically helped to usher in the economy that we use today at every turn in our daily lives. This work was profound, but it was also profoundly perverse. Let’s take a look at one of the most famous excerpts from this work:
Smith is a hard-nosed proponent of self-love, or so he thinks. He is proposing here that the entirety of the economy is based on each one of us looking after our own self-interest, and this self-interest, he seems to automatically presume, is synonymous with self-love. Interestingly enough, if we attempt to apply this particular view of self-love to another economy, one much smaller, we bring about an effect that I think any one of us will find unpalatable: that of the atomic family within a household: if a household of mother, father and two children, for example, operated based on the “self-love” principle in which all entities were operating based on what they needed, drawing from each other that which each person needed to survive materialistically and intellectually, what would be the end result? Disconnection. This isn’t self-love. This is self-serving narcissism. Let me explain a little further.
Looking for some mystical yet practical guidance to help you hit the ground running each week? I’m here with my Tarot cards to give you the insight and illumination that you need to make the most of the energy of the week. Take a moment, take a breath, and look at the image below. Choose the card that is most calling to you, 1, 2 or 3… this is your personal message from the universe to inspire and empower you in the days ahead. Your message revealed... I see a story here of strong will, conviction and integrity coming into play this week... Card #1: Seven of Wands There is a feeling of demand today...people are demanding your time, many activities are demanding your attention...you will have to fight to hold your ground. Focus, prioritize and don't succumb to pressure from others, you have the power to do this. Stand up for what you believe in, you may need to defend your opinion or personal philosophy today. Card #2: Justice A weighty feeling of responsibility, of now starting to see the results of decisions that you made and actions that you took in the past, both good and bad. Be honest with yourself, assess your current situation and see if any adjustments need to be made on your path. If you need to make an important decision today, consider the pros and cons carefully and impartially before you make your move. Follow your moral compass, don't be swayed. On a practical note, favorable outcome in legal matters. Card #3: King of Wands For those of you out there who are feeling stuck, full of hesitation, afraid to act or change, what are you waiting for? If you are considering going after something, following your passion, starting a new enterprise, the King of Wands is telling you to go for it! Consider what's holding you back, is it a real deal breaker, or is it just the fear of something new and big? Be excited, take the lead, feel your own power! You know you have the vision, determination, and charisma to do it, don't you? I wish you a week of success, empowerment and achievement ahead! Need more personalized and in depth guidance from the cards? Book your Tarot reading with Lori Lytle at the Inner Arts Collective at www.innergoddesstarot.com. Lori Lytle of Inner Goddess Tarot ![]() Lori Lytle is an intuitive and empowering Tarot reader and teacher. She sees the Tarot as a powerful tool of transformation and personal growth, and her compassionate and insightful approach to the cards helps her clients to connect with their own inner voice, their own Inner Goddess. Lori holds two Masters degrees in Ancient History/Archaeology and Museum Studies, was a fundraising event planner, and lived in Japan for several years, but now her full time focus is on running Inner Goddess Tarot. She facilitates the Toronto Tarot Circle Meetup, and offers Skype and email readings internationally. She blissfully spends a lot of her time in her golden home office with her cat, Willow. Find out more about Lori and read her blog at www.innergoddesstarot.com. |
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