written by Deborah BrodeyIf you are looking to deepen your relationship with the ways of living reciprocity book a discovery session with Deborah by emailing: [email protected] If you are in the Toronto area Deborah is offering Nature Reconnection Walks in High Park: Next date August 19 at 6:30 pm. For more information and to register email above address.
We must do this in way that is honouring of Indigenous, and other cultural traditions, practices and teachings in an authentic, sensitive and respectful way, without appropriating them. We can do this by studying or apprenticing with authentic teachers and wisdom keepers, knowing our sources of where we learned practices, understanding and being sensitive to the cultural context, if we are sharing practices, do we have permission, and giving back to the communities we have learned from. We can begin by entraining with Nature, our greatest teacher, by spending time in nature and being present to all of our surroundings. If we listen deeply we will observe that all of Nature is in ceremony. We are made up of the elements and so as we observe Nature we can reflect on how we are made up of these same elements. There is no separation: between our bodies and the body of the Earth; between the oceans and the waters flowing through our veins; between the sun and the internal sun within our bodies responsible for digestion and our passion; between the winds and our breath; and between ether and the space within our own bodies. What is within our own body is without. We are literally a walking ceremony. From this awareness, we connect with our gratitude and then make an offering from the depths of our heart. It could be a song, a gesture, a dance, a prayer, an offering of hair, etc. Once we make the offering, we let go, and listen, noticing how we feel in body, heart, mind and soul. If we bring this simple practice into our every day we will remember that we are Nature and we will become the medicine for the healing our planet. May we learn to live the ways of reciprocity to bring love, harmony, healing, balance and wholeness to our beloved Mother Earth for the benefit of the next 7 generations and beyond. (Deborah Brodey) Here is a sound piece I co-created with Ian De Souza from my CD Portals of Sound, called Right Relationship. It carries the sound frequencies of this message. Listen with your whole body and preferably with headphones. (Do not drive a car while listening as is altering! https://soundcloud.com/deborah-brodey/right-relationship
January 2023
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