6/27/2017 1 Comment June 27th, 2017Looking for some mystical yet practical guidance to help you hit the ground running each week? I’m here with my Tarot cards to give you the insight and illumination that you need to make the most of the energy of the week. Take a moment, take a breath, and look at the image below. Choose the card that is most calling to you, 1, 2 or 3… this is your personal message from the universe to inspire and empower you in the days ahead. Images from the Centennial Smith Waite Tarot. Your message revealed: This week, intuition reigns supreme. Mundane matters should not sway us from the pursuit of love and inner knowing. Card #1: High Priestess Beautiful mysteries surround us, there is so much more beyond what we can see on the surface. The answers that you need are within your own heart and mind, be calm, be still, hear the message that your inner voice is sending to you. Your intuition is strong today, listen to it and trust it. On a practical note, keep your cards close to your chest today, you don't need to reveal those mysteries that you discover within. Card #2: Five of Pentacles Feeling left out in the cold? Finances a struggle right now? Know that this is a temporary situation, and move forward by getting practical matters back on track. Don’t let it affect your relationships with loved ones. Create a plan to pay off those bills, get into a routine that supports your physical well-being. If you need help from an advisor, whether it be financial, health-wise or spiritual, that help is there. All you have to do is look up and see it. Card #3: Knight of Cups The archetypal Knight in Shining Armour. This could be someone new riding into your life, making an offer of romance. Or, if this is YOU, it may be time to extend an offer of love or reconciliation to someone you care about. Be daring and bold, and act authentically from the heart. Be true, don’t swing towards sentimentality or fickleness. I wish you a week of love, prosperity and wisdom gained.
Need more personalized and in depth guidance from the cards? Book your Tarot reading with Lori Lytle at the Inner Arts Collective at www.innergoddesstarot.com.
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Looking for some mystical yet practical guidance to help you hit the ground running each week? I’m here with my Tarot cards to give you the insight and illumination that you need to make the most of the energy of the week. Take a moment, take a breath, and look at the image below. Choose the card that is most calling to you, 1, 2 or 3… this is your personal message from the universe to inspire and empower you in the days ahead. Your message revealed: An atmosphere of dreaming, imagining, wandering between the worlds, and yet there is an opportunity to remain grounded in the midst of it all. Card #1: Page of Pentacles Keep working on your project or business, stay practical and grounded, but remember that you don’t have to be perfect at everything just yet! Allow yourself that learning curve, embrace challenges and mistakes as teachers. Use your energy and enthusiasm to create future prosperity. Card #2: The Star A gentle healing energy, the calm after the storm. If you have been going through a difficult time, let the light of the Star rekindle a feeling of hope, faith and optimism. Open your heart and share your gifts generously. Be the star of your own life story, let your own true light shine. Release your fears and doubts, you are on the right track. Card #3: Seven of Cups There is a feeling here of wanting so much, of such longing for something, but not being able to identify what that is exactly. Are you overwhelmed by options, unable to make a decision and move forward? Try to see things clearly, don’t get caught up in daydreaming, fantasy, escapism…it may be tempting to stay in this place of inaction or to slip into the familiar option because it seems easier, but it’s time to make a considered choice and turn that desire into something real. Images from the Centennial Smith Waite Tarot. I wish you a week of healing, peace and unfettered imagination! Need more personalized and in depth guidance from the cards? Book your Tarot reading with Lori Lytle at the Inner Arts Collective at www.innergoddesstarot.com.
Looking for some mystical yet practical guidance to help you hit the ground running each week? I’m here with my Tarot cards to give you the insight and illumination that you need to make the most of the energy of the week. Take a moment, take a breath, and look at the image below. Choose the card that is most calling to you, 1, 2 or 3… this is your personal message from the universe to inspire and empower you in the days ahead. Your message revealed: So grateful to feel the brilliant light of the Sun this week! I see a week of high energy, with opportunities to support others while receiving the help we need as well. Card #1: The Sun The Sun brings joy, confidence and energy. Enjoy it, radiate positivity today, shine your light and love on those around you. You may find yourself in the spotlight today, enjoying long overdue recognition. Beware of burn out, get some rest if you need it. Take a moment to express gratitude for the beauty and magic in your life. A resounding YES. Card #2: Six of Pentacles Are you in a position to be generous with someone who needs a hand today? Or, if you need the help, are you ready to ask for it? Where in your life are you settling for less than you deserve, or giving less than you should? Share without judgement or condescension, receive without shame or resentment. This card asks us to examine where we really are in a situation, think about give and take, and reminds us how quickly fortunes can change. Card #3: Knight of Wands A day for action, to shake things up…stop sitting still, go on your quest or after your passion! Keep your focus, it may not serve you well to dive completely into recklessness. Or, if you are feeling stuck or helpless, let someone shake YOU up. Time to get fired up. Images from the Centennial Smith Waite Tarot. I wish you a week of joy, delight, and generosity that flows both ways! Need more personalized and in depth guidance from the cards? Book your Tarot reading with Lori Lytle at the Inner Arts Collective at www.innergoddesstarot.com.
Looking for some mystical yet practical guidance to help you hit the ground running each week? I’m here with my Tarot cards to give you the insight and illumination that you need to make the most of the energy of the week. Take a moment, take a breath, and look at the image below. Choose the card that is most calling to you, 1, 2 or 3… this is your personal message from the universe to inspire and empower you in the days ahead. Your message revealed: How much do I love these cards! We see a week of the divine feminine, of empowerment, of leadership that comes from a place of compassion and clarity. Card #1: Nine of Pentacles Recognize and revel in your independence. If you have to make practical decisions today, do so on your own terms, don't let someone else act for you. You have worked hard and achieved much, take some time to enjoy the world you have created for yourself. Do something today that makes you feel relaxed and grounded. Today is all about ease and beauty. Card #2: Queen of Wands You are full of charisma, self-confidence and optimism today, use it! Go after what you want, speak your mind, this is not a day for sitting still. Make decisions without hesitation, don't second guess yourself. Anything you put your mind to, you can achieve today. Creativity is strong…something around you wants to grow and flourish, don’t get in the way of that force of abundance and vision. Card #3: Queen of Swords You have things you need to get done, don’t waste time with nonsense or tiptoeing around the truth. Today is a day to tell it like it is. Speak from the heart, clear the air, keep your sense of humour. Everyone will feel better when the cards are on the table. Don't apologize for doing what you need to do for yourself this week. Images from the Centennial Smith Waite Tarot. I wish you a week of passion, insight and feeling your own power! Need more personalized and in depth guidance from the cards? Book your Tarot reading with Lori Lytle at the Inner Arts Collective at www.innergoddesstarot.com.
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