Happy New Year. We will enter 2019 with a lot of energy. Mars enters Aries today at 9:20pm. Mars is at home in Aries. This is a driven, determined planet. It can bring on a lot of action and inspiration, though we all will have to be careful about its impulsive shadows and potential for outbursts. Tempers can quickly flare up. It can be easy to jump to conclusions, or assume you have all the answers prematurely. And yet if you work to harness this energy, Mars in Aries can be an amazing start to a new year. While I believe that we can set intentions and resolutions at any time of the year, the first week of 2019 can hold particularly potency when it comes to getting clear about where you are being held back, and what you are ready to accomplish instead. For anyone who is craving progress, creativity, or change, this can be a great week to make a fresh start. On Friday, January 4, Mercury enters Capricorn. If you feel like the energy of Mars in Aries is too much, amping your adrenaline, scattering your ideas, and messing with your focus, just wait: Mercury in Capricorn will help to turn your thoughts into things.
The energy this week can help you bring the structure and momentum you need to start building a new foundation for what 2019 can become. On Saturday, January 5, we welcome the New Moon in Capricorn at 8:28pm. I love that the New Moon arrives so closely to the first day of the year, as it allows us to really align any fresh intentions with the Moon’s new cycle.
Thank you for being here. Happy New Year! Talk to you in 2019. Until next time, Liz xo
Sagittarius season is winding down. This Friday, December 21, the Sun enters Capricorn. I always find it difficult to connect with the natural energies at this time of year, even though I always feel so called to Capricorn season. Yet there can be so much pressure with the holidays coming up that it can be difficult to get much downtime. People are rushing from party to party, store to store. And I feel guilty saying no. And also, I want to say yes. Friends who have moved away come home at Christmas. There seems to be an extra effort on everyone’s part to get together, catch up, and enjoy the moment. And yet I am a walking contradiction these days. I always feel a strong pull to go inward at this time of year. Which is why I wish it was a bit easier to get into sync with the natural energies, rather than feel pulled against the grain by all the rushing around that can happens now. One of my favourite memories about the Winter Solstice, or Yule, goes back to when I was in college. I was off on break, and staying at my parents’ house. It was chilly outside, and my parents were in the basement, watching TV. I was laying across the living room floor, with a book and a glass of wine, and it was absolutely perfect. I even remember what I was reading: Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood. Later, the snow started to fall, and I stayed up late writing poetry in my journal. Poems that, several years later, became a book. Why am I talking about this? Why does it matter? Because to me, this the ideal thing to do at the Winter Solstice. It is when the wheel turns once again and we enter into a season of solitude and hibernation. It’s within those quieter times that we incubate ideas for what’s to come. It’s in making space for silence that we can hear our own voices again. We can gather inspiration from the books we read. We can heal through a quiet, warm night. Perhaps with a hot bath, or some time spent journaling. We get back to our thoughts, where we find our true plans and paths. We can enter into dialogue with ourselves, and our spirits, and ask: What has this year meant? And what will I need to do with this new year ahead of me? It can be challenging to map out the architecture of one’s life without uninterrupted time to do so. And sometimes, I feel I need those deeper, longer chunks of time to do that. I need days where I’m not obligated to be anywhere. I need days where I don’t have to pay attention to what time it is. I need to time and space to think for myself, and to do what I feel naturally drawn towards, rather than what I feel obligated to do. It’s not always possible to carve out these times for ourselves. Maybe that’s why I have such a vivid memory of a time when I felt I got it right. Last year, at this time, I was helping my mother move, as she is not at a time in her life where she can manage these things herself. As she gets older, her independence suffers. Moving another person – arranging their things, their lease agreements, their address changes – might actually be more work than moving yourself. (Who thought that was even possible, right?) Sometimes, life will demand more of us, and we need to respond. But during the times when we are able to hide away, to get lost in a book or to sit in our own sacred spaces, even just for a short while, I think it’s important to take advantage of that. The Winter Solstice reminds us that we are entering into a full season of space. And so my hope is that you are able to get a little bit of silence for yourself sometime soon, if that’s what you need right now.
On Saturday, December 22, we welcome the Full Moon in Cancer, a time where your deepest needs can come to light. It feels so magical to have this Full Moon arrive so close to the Winter Solstice. What a beautiful way to bring your feelings to the surface and see which of your intentions are coming full circle at this time. This Full Moon will connect back to the Cancer New Moon earlier this summer, so if you set any dreams into motion then you might want to see how they are developing. Because this is a deep, watery Moon, emotions can run high, so if you feel a little tender, or if you notice those around you are having stronger reactions than usual, take care. Remember to be careful with yourself, and those you love. Especially if you are celebrating the holidays at this time, too. The air can have an extra charge to it already, and when you throw a Full Moon in the mix it all goes up to a whole other level. If it helps, here is an intention to take with you throughout the week: I open to the silence within and trust in its gifts. And if you’d like to connect with this week’s Full Moon in Cancer, here is a tarot spread you can try at home:
Until next time, Liz xo
12/10/2018 0 Comments Weekly Forecast for December 10th
Following energies and omens always requires balance and discernment for each of us on an individual basis. We all need to decide what applies to us, and how relate these things to our own experiences – or not. I never want to share these messages in a way that sounds flippant or naïve. I never want to bypass the full spectrum of life itself. Instead, I believe that the more we accept and acknowledge that there is chaos in the world, the more conscious we become of ways to make space for the good. Ignoring the challenges doesn’t make them go away. And sometimes, when I see the Sun card, I take it as a reminder to enjoy the little things in life, but to also be careful not to become blinded by the light to the point where I can no longer see the truth. Earlier this year, I met with one of my spiritual teachers. She told me she committed to her spiritual path seventeen years ago as a way to help eliminate chaos in the world. She teaches and counsels, hoping to reach just one person at a time. The basis of her teachings is simple:
I have thought a lot about these ideas lately. Especially as we wind down 2018 and start to look ahead to a fresh calendar year. There have been so many terrible things happening in the world lately. And yes, I know that we can say is true throughout all of history, but this is our moment, our time, and still, we wonder:
And then I think how overwhelming those questions can be, and so I take myself back to the messages of my teacher: That we can work against chaos through patience and kindness. By coming through for each other by… …holding the elevator door for someone else (even if you’re in a hurry)… …wishing someone well with their success (even when you’re struggling to make it)… …making time to see a friend who might really need a night out (even though your to-do list is piling up). This week, the Moon is waxing, and so our emotional energies can grow, too. What might you make space for in your heart right now? Where might you ask someone else to make space for you? And when Mercury enters fiery Sagittarius again this Wednesday, December 12, where might you be asked to apply these ideas further? Mercury in Sagittarius can cause people to react quicker than they should. It may be more challenging to practice patience right now, but when that challenge arises, it’s a notice from the universe to be more careful than usual. The energies of the week ahead ask: Where can you transform any collective rage, anger, or resentment and counteract it with a joyful, simple, generous act? Until next time, Liz xo
If you’ve been caught up in the current Mercury retrograde period, you can breathe a sigh of relief: Mercury goes direct this Thursday, December 6. There are always multiple factors that influence us at any given time. Astrologically, there can be many other planets that are working on your side. For example, Jupiter entered its home of Sagittarius in early November, which can help bring blessings and ease into your life. How we choose to move through the world has an influence on what we experience, too. Some people blame Mercury retrograde for delays and disorganization, but if someone chronically struggles with time management, then they also need to look at how their own actions have factored into any snafus they’ve experienced during Mercury retrograde. In other words: We can use astrology to become more aware of the themes, energies, and potentials that are available to us. But it shouldn’t be used as a crutch or an excuse. We each have to know the world we are navigating. Infrastructure, politics, and socioeconomic circumstances can have just as much of an impact on your personal experiences as astrology will. The key is in remembering that we are operating as part of a whole, and to look for ways to find solutions to the obstacles we run up against. This Mercury retrograde has brought a special focus on worldview, perspective, mindset, and truth. It started in the sign of Sagittarius on November 16 and slipped back into truth-teller Scorpio on December 1. In Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde forces us to connect to our personal beliefs and philosophies – the things we consider to be true. Here, you might have had the cover lifted off of something you felt was real, or right. These past few weeks might have revealed new layers to your personality, or new perspectives that shifted your world. It can be uncomfortable experience when you start to see something for what it is – especially when you thought you already had it figured out. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius reminds us, too, that no one has all the answers. Which can be another source of pain for those who had a moment of humility these past few weeks. But not to worry: If you had to retrace your steps, apologize, or take back something you said, you are doing the work this retrograde is asking of you. It’s also part of the personal expansion that the universe is offering each of us right now. Growth can come by allowing ourselves to see that we can’t always be right. And it can come by allowing for new ideas, opinions, and angles to open our minds, especially if they have become too narrow in some of their views. With Mercury now in transformative, cleansing Scorpio, you have the opportunity to shed an old belief until December 12, when Mercury enters Sagittarius again.
Sagittarius is a big energy, and so its questions and intentions will match its infinite potential. It is idealistic, visionary, and expansive, and so it asks you to allow your imagination to see grater possibilities for the future. If you’d like to connect with this New Moon in Sagittarius on Friday, December 7, here is a tarot spread to help:
Until next time, Liz xo
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