Scorpio season is winding down this week. On Thursday, November 22, the Sun enters bright, energetic Sagittarius at 4:01am EST. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Under this influence, our focus can shift to big plans and bigger dreams. The Sun will be conjunct Jupiter, helping to enhance this benevolent energy. The mood can be uplifting, optimistic, and promising. (The Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter all join up early next week, so this energy will continue to build in the days to come. Enjoy it.) Sagittarius is a marked shift from Scorpio, which helps us to transition into this late fall season. Scorpio has been helping us to see how the year has shaped us, and what we are ready to shapeshift into during the colder winter months. I always find Sagittarius season to be busy, but for me, the busyness is always more focused on play rather than productivity. When we are back in the element of fire, we can feel inspired to get moving in some way. For some, that might mean moving from one plan to the next. For others, it might mean moving through an exciting new creative period – especially if the muse was on hiatus during the recent Venus retrograde. (And yes, Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius right now, though I find Mercury retrograde periods to be highly fruitful for new ideas – it’s as though Mercury is casting a wide net into the ether and catching all kinds of bright new possibilities that you can work on down the road.) On Friday, November 23, the Gemini Full Moon arrives at 12:39am EST. Full moons can help us to birth new understandings, concepts, or projects, or to bring things to completion. In Gemini, this Full Moon can help you to tap into questions and intentions about how you use your voice: What do you have to say, and are your words being heard? This can be a powerful time for writers, public speakers, educators, and other communicators. But then, aren’t we all communicators by nature? Pay attention to communication and connection at this time, as well as things you may be learning, or hoping to master. This Full Moon will connect back to the Gemini New Moon we had six months ago in the late spring, so if you set intentions then, check in on them to see how they’re doing. Personally, I love Gemini moons. I find they act as creative channels, once again helping to tap into some fresh ideas and perspective. If you are in need of a creative breakthrough, or have something important to figure out, set some intentions this week to have this Friday’s Moon help shed some light on it for you.
Whatever is happening for you at this time, the week ahead asks you to stay in tune with the magic that you can create, in whatever form it may take: “I surrender to the power that resides within.” And if you’d like to connect with this Friday’s Full Moon, here is a tarot spread to help: 1. What has been hibernating within me for the past six months? 2. What truth am I ready to share with the world? 3. How can I amplify my voice? 4. What is my imagination trying to tell me?
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11/12/2018 1 Comment One retrograde ends, another begins: Lets talk Mercury and Venus! (by Liz Worth)Venus retrograde began back on October 5 in the sign of Scorpio. The planet of love, beauty, and art has since slipped back into Libra. These past six weeks may have stirred something up for you on a personal level. Venus retrograde can be a time to reconnect with your values and needs. Throughout the process, you get to check in with what’s most important to you and see how much space those priorities actually get in your life. Sometimes, we end up surprised by what we learn about ourselves in the process. Who or what we love doesn’t always get as much attention as it needs. Who or what we love doesn’t always give back as much as we’d like it to. Sometimes, that’s okay. Sacrifice and compromise can be necessary, and sometimes that’s all we can manage. But other times, we realize that we can change things up. Or that we need to. People end up making some big decisions during Venus retrograde.
Venus retrograde can be an uncomfortable time because the things that make us comfortable don’t always flow as easily. Venus is a creative muse, and our sources of inspiration can feel tired, our motivation lacking. But retrogrades are meant to be periods of rest, and also times when new ideas emerge – though they may not feel ready to be acted upon yet. As Venus has travelled through Scorpio and Libra with this retrograde, we have been asked to look at our inner worlds as much as our interpersonal ones. Scorpio is introverted and private, but Libra likes to be paired up. This has been a journey that has started from the inside out, reaching into the depths of the soul and psyche and extending itself to our closest relationships. On Friday, November 16, Venus stations direct at 5:51am EST. What has been under construction, or on hold, for your personal and creative life will start to flow again soon. It may have a slightly new road map to follow than before, but it will serve you well in your next chapter. Retrogrades help us to make the changes we need, or take the breaks our hearts and bodies demand – even if it doesn’t always feel easy at the time. Which brings us to Mercury: The messenger planet begins its final retrograde period of 2018 this week, too, at 8:33pm EST. Mercury retrograde begins in Sagittarius. Mercury rules our thoughts, and when it’s in Sagittarius, we can find ourselves daydreaming about big plans, far off places, and new ideas or projects to explore. Sagittarius doesn’t like to be confined, so it can bring a sense of wanderlust and a need for intellectual, spiritual, or philosophical stimulation. You might it harder to focus on the here and now once this retrograde kicks in. But you might also struggle to feel as connected to a big dream or special plan at the moment. Don’t quit on something if pessimism creeps in. It may just be the universe telling you to ease up on yourself a bit. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself right now to have everything little detail figured out.
Until next time, Liz xo Liz Worth
As we start a new week, you may be asking yourself questions similar to these. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, the planet that opens doors and pathways, has spent the last year in Scorpio. Scorpio’s lair is a place of shadow and mystery, secrets and depth. Throughout this time, we have seen assumptions and judgements around sexuality and gender being called out – and necessarily so. We have seen shame being challenged, and abuses of power being not only questioned, but brought into public light. This is the power of Jupiter in Scorpio – an exploration into things that were once hidden and are now being opened wide. And this is just one facet of Jupiter in Scorpio, and just one influence our universe has us under at the moment. Jupiter in Scorpio has also helped many of us to excavate our own mysteries. It has been a powerful year for intuitive exploration. There has been an unmistakable trend towards tarot, astrology, witchcraft, and other spiritual and divinatory practices, not just throughout this last year, but several now. Jupiter in Scorpio, however, has helped to open the way even further within that realm. Scorpio doesn’t shy away from the esoteric as these are all paths to personal power, something that this energy constantly seeks. And so when I ask the questions above, I do so out of reflection on some of the transformational energy that Jupiter in Scorpio has offered throughout this past year. Perhaps you tapped into a hidden talent, or reconnected with an old dream you thought you’d lost. Perhaps you took a brave step towards your own healing. Or made amends with the past. Or confronted something that you could no longer stay silent about. Perhaps you got closer to your truth, closer to the intentions you want to be living out on a daily basis. Perhaps your intuition tapped you on the shoulder one day and told you to wake up to a new reality. Maybe you experienced something entirely different, but no less significant. It has been a heavy year in many ways, and it’s time now to take whatever you are nurturing, or nursing, and give it any affection or tenderness that is required. The Scorpio New Moon arrives this Wednesday, November 7, marking the middle of the week as a time to give yourself the gift of healing. Maybe you are seeking peace. Or forgiveness. Or recommitment to who you are. Maybe you are ready to shed something from the past. Whatever you are inviting in right now, think of this New Moon as one of rebirth. It is a time to rise into something new. It is a time to leave an old story behind, if you feel it’s necessary to do so. On Thursday, November 8, Jupiter ends its transit through Scorpio and enters Sagittarius. This may feel like a page is turning. The energy will shift. Jupiter rules Sagittarius. It is returning home to the fiery sign of the centaur, where magic and myth occur. It is taking reprieve from the intensity of Scorpio’s underworld and travelling through Sagittarius’ jovial territory. If Scorpio is associated with the sign of phoenix, which always rises from the ashes, then this is the phoenix in flight. Bright, warm, and ready for anything.
If it helps, here is an intention you can use in the days ahead: I invite any blocks or barriers to lift so that ease can enter my heart. And if you would like to use tarot to connect with the energies of this Scorpio New Moon, here is a tarot spread to help: Card #1: What can I let go of now? Card #2: What can I heal now? Card #3: What can I commit to now? Card #4: What can I become now? Until next time, Liz xo Book a reading with me: Buy my book: Come to a workshop:
Every year, thousands of people talk to their doctor about unexplained asthma and allergy symptoms or eye, skin, and lung irritation. Often, the culprit is found lurking in the air—specifically, the air inside their homes. If you suffer from any of these issues, keep reading to find out ways your home can actually make you sick and what you can do to get better. Know What Makes You Sick... Your first priority is to understand ways your home’s atmosphere can interfere with your health. Mold problems, which are alarmingly common, can trigger a skin rash, runny nose, and asthma, among other things. HomeAdvisor also lists ventilation issues and radon gas as interior problems that often slip through the radar. Radon, according to the EPA, is the primary cause of lung cancer in people who don’t smoke. If you’re unsure what’s making you sick, make an appointment with your primary health care provider or allergist, who can administer a simple patch test to determine allergy triggers. If you suspect mold, you can purchase a simple at-home mold test kit from Amazon and other major online retailers, as well as your local home hardware store. The American Lung Association lists more than a dozen sources of indoor air pollution, including pet dander, cockroaches, dust mites, carpets, and asbestos. Open Wide Regardless of the airborne contaminants, one of the simplest ways to improve interior air quality is to simply open the windows. Even if you’re unsure of how polluted your indoor air is--and it is polluted—just five or 10 minutes of fresh air can make a huge difference. You should also open your windows when you paint or perform any home maintenance task that kicks up dust or debris. Just Say No to Smoking Indoors Secondhand smoke is another major health hazard, especially for young children or those with lung conditions. But unlike radon or mold, smoking indoors is something you have 100 percent control over. American Home Shield suggests making your home a no-smoking zone and enforcing this rule. Just Get Back to the Basics When Cleaning Your grandmother did not have the benefits of an aisle full of cleaning products to choose from. But, she still managed to keep a clean house without bleach, artificial fragrances, or harsh chemicals. It’s entirely possible to use non-toxic products, including fragrance-free, vegetable-oil-based soaps throughout the home. For example, vinegar and baking soda sanitize, clean, and shine hard surfaces, while raw cocoa butter makes a great lotion. An added benefit of using natural products is that it won’t contribute to wastewater contamination. If that’s not enough, it may be less expensive and more effective to clean with food-grade products than lemon-scented luxuries. Clean the Air Even if you leave your windows open half the day, pollutants can add up at night and in rooms without enough ventilation. A simple air purifier is an efficient way to clean the air. Before investing in one of these small appliances, do your research. Highly rated air purifiers range in price from less than $200 to $2,000 or more. We hear a lot on the news about outdoor air pollution. However, indoor air contamination doesn’t get nearly as much press—and it should. Most people, especially those who work from home, have young children, or are retired, spend more time indoors than out. It’s time to pay attention to the air inside your home. A few simple changes to improve interior air quality may be all it takes to help you breathe easy. Sheila Olsen Sheila Olson has been a personal trainer for five years. She believes the best way to achieve physical fitness and good health is to set and tackle small goals. She encourages her clients to stay positive and incorporates mindfulness and practices for reducing negative talk into her sessions.
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