3/31/2022 3 Comments Aries Moon MailLate tonight / early tomorrow morning is the new moon in Aries. Every year, this is our first new moon occurring at the beginning of a new year of astrological seasons, and ushering in a new cycle as we enter spring in the Northern Hemisphere. While the Spring Equinox offers us many beautiful themes of newness and initiation, we might also consider the intensity required for winter to shift into spring. Ground that has been frozen for months and plants and animals that have drawn their energy into hibernation must wake up again and begin the busy task of generating new life. The quality of this task can have a strong and often chaotic nature, given the force that’s needed for these changes to take place. So perhaps this is part of the symbolism for us too – if we are going to break through (from wherever we have been frozen or asleep), it will also require some intensity and chaos, which can be used in service to our greater efforts. And Aries season this year is loaded with intensity, but we’d expect no less from this initiatory fire sign. The new moon in Aries asks us to be genuine and heartfelt in a world that often prioritizes conformity over authenticity. Some of us are raised to ‘be ourselves’ much more than others, and some of us spend our whole lives wondering what that even means. For many, the idea of ‘being ourselves’ comes with a deep wound, and has been met with great conflict in the world. And there are some who also create this conflict for others, and push back against expressions of difference or individuality.
I am also pleased to be hosting a new workshop next week -
About Aerin Fogel![]() I began this work when I had my core pattern reading, nearly 15 years ago. The reading altered my understanding of the world, and my place in it. It opened my heart to the path I walk now. In the years that followed, and the subsequent readings I had, I found this to always be the truest, most helpful, most empowering, and most loving guidance above anything else. Soon after I began my study of astrology and found it to be a grounding and pragmatic framework that helps us place ourselves in context of our surroundings and life experience. This is what called me into practice as a life path, and into the privilege of sharing this work with others.
January 2023
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