1/14/2019 1 Comment Jupiter square Neptune: Reality check or a test of faith? A look at the energy of the week ahead.A major astrological transit to watch this year is Jupiter square Neptune, which was exact yesterday, Sunday, January 13. What does this mean, exactly? Jupiter is hopeful, optimistic, expansive. It helps us to have faith in overcoming barriers. It helps us to connect with our higher selves in order to grow. Neptune is dreamy, spiritual, and deep. It helps us to connect to the divine and to channel new creative visions. It is the ruler of poetry, dreams, magic, and illusion. Both planets are at home right now: Jupiter is in Sagittarius, Neptune in Pisces. They are at their most powerful, but potency doesn’t necessarily bring blessings across the board. Jupiter in Sagittarius can struggle to see – or acknowledge – its limitations. It wants to move forward with the hope that everything will work out just fine. Neptune’s influence can be confusing. This planet dissolves boundaries, which can be a good thing if that’s what you need. The problematic side of it is that Neptune can make it hard for us to know what’s real, and what’s just an illusion. Delusion and misperception can become big issues when Jupiter and Neptune square off, which they will do in January, June and September. These are times to be extra-careful with big plans and promises. By all means think big – Jupiter in Sagittarius can certainly help with that – but back your sh*t up, especially if you are making commitments you’re not sure you can keep. Otherwise, it can be all too easy to be blindsided by reality this year to the point where you might have to go back on your word. Similarly, this also applies to opportunities that may be coming our way that seem too good to be true. If someone is making you promises that you’re not sure they can deliver on, listen to your gut. Even though it may be a little harder to hear that inner voice right now, it’s still important to listen. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should turn yourself away from all the good things in life now and throughout the year. Just be aware that we can all be a bit more naïve these days, and that our faith in something, or someone (including ourselves) may be tested along the way. Spiritual growth can accelerate now, too, though again, we have to be careful to stay grounded on any spiritual path as well. By all means dive deep into a practice, but remember that Neptune can have escapist tendencies. It’s easy to lose touch with reality when we go too far in any one direction, and false gurus and guides can come out of the woodwork throughout the year. Choose your temples and teachers wisely. And be careful that you’re not pushing yourself to become an expert too soon, either. There’s a big trend right now in spiritual and divinatory practices for people to learn fast and try to start a business right away.
If it helps, here is an intention to take with you throughout the week: “I intend to move forward with anchored, grounded focus. I intend to keep my heart and mind clear of any unnecessary confusion.” Until next time, Liz xo
1 Comment
10/10/2024 02:03:38 am
I wanted to express my gratitude for your insightful and engaging article. Your writing is clear and easy to follow, and I appreciated the way you presented your ideas in a thoughtful and organized manner. Your analysis was both thought-provoking and well-researched, and I enjoyed the real-life examples you used to illustrate your points. Your article has provided me with a fresh perspective on the subject matter and has inspired me to think more deeply about this topic.
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