Happy New Year. We will enter 2019 with a lot of energy. Mars enters Aries today at 9:20pm. Mars is at home in Aries. This is a driven, determined planet. It can bring on a lot of action and inspiration, though we all will have to be careful about its impulsive shadows and potential for outbursts. Tempers can quickly flare up. It can be easy to jump to conclusions, or assume you have all the answers prematurely. And yet if you work to harness this energy, Mars in Aries can be an amazing start to a new year. While I believe that we can set intentions and resolutions at any time of the year, the first week of 2019 can hold particularly potency when it comes to getting clear about where you are being held back, and what you are ready to accomplish instead. For anyone who is craving progress, creativity, or change, this can be a great week to make a fresh start. On Friday, January 4, Mercury enters Capricorn. If you feel like the energy of Mars in Aries is too much, amping your adrenaline, scattering your ideas, and messing with your focus, just wait: Mercury in Capricorn will help to turn your thoughts into things.
The energy this week can help you bring the structure and momentum you need to start building a new foundation for what 2019 can become. On Saturday, January 5, we welcome the New Moon in Capricorn at 8:28pm. I love that the New Moon arrives so closely to the first day of the year, as it allows us to really align any fresh intentions with the Moon’s new cycle.
Thank you for being here. Happy New Year! Talk to you in 2019. Until next time, Liz xo
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