Aligned with the season of spring in the northern hemisphere, Aries has the job of waking things back up after winter, and after the dreaminess of Pisces season. While January 1st is often looked to as a time of new beginnings and resolutions, I always advocate for the start of spring as a solid alternative. Some people find it so much easier to get motivated and inspired with the fiery energy of Aries lighting up the skies. This is a time when new seeds are truly taking root and the colours are beginning to return to the plants and trees. Collectively we are starting a new cycle around the wheel of the zodiac. The first day of Aries season started with a Full Moon in Libra on March 20. While you might have felt a marked change in mood and perspective since then, this Friday’s New Moon on April 5 can really help you get moving on something. It’s time to think about what you might do with any inspiration that’s arisen recently.
Sometimes all we know is that we need to move on from what’s old and done, and that knowledge alone can be enough. So take some time at the end of the week to listen in on what your heart has to say when you ask it this: “What am I ready to wake up to?” If you’d like to connect further with this New Moon and other lunar cycles throughout the year, my collection of New Moon Meditations can help. And if you want to connect with this New Moon using tarot, here is a spread to help:
Until next time,
Liz xo
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