Today, the Sun enters Pisces, the sign of transcendence. This is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, the final curve of the wheel before we begin again at Aries. It can be a challenge to stay grounded during Pisces season, despite all the beauty that can unfold. It’s the second week in a row that I’ve pulled a card from the suit of pentacles for these messages. The pentacles are earth energy. They are grounded, practical, stable, secure. They ask us to look down at our feet so that we can see what we have planted ourselves upon. In spiritual discussions, especially of the esoteric nature, “groundedness” comes up a lot. But what does it really mean? While I don’t think there is ever one single, simple definition for how to be, or how to approach an idea or philosophy, I can tell you what my experience has been in defining groundedness thus far: Sometimes, when we are on spiritual paths, we can get really caught up the transcendence of it all. We want to connect to our intuition, our “higher selves,” to Spirit, to God, Goddess, to astrology, tarot, our ancestors…all kinds of possibilities begin to open up. And it can become so tempting to focus all of our energy and attention on the magic and mystery of spiritual realms. But the work of it all still needs to be done in the here and now. And of course, we can’t direct all of our energy into one area to the point where other things get neglected, like our physical bodies, our routines, or responsibilities. To me, groundedness is about staying practical and present, no matter what new horizons you are exploring. It is about checking in with yourself: “What do I need to get done today? What can’t wait until tomorrow? What do I know I need to feel calm, clear, and centred throughout the day?” The answers to those questions won’t all be about prayer, meditation, or divination. Sure, those things can be part of a daily practice or routine, but the rest of it will likely centre around the basics: Food, water, getting to work or school on time, paying that bill that’s waiting to be opened, or taking care of chores, kids, cats, dogs…you get the idea. Groundedness is about remembering that when we take care of ourselves and our daily lives, that we are still engaging in spiritual work. We are here for a reason, and it’s important that we care for the life that is in front of us. Sometimes, that means making time to run errands, or decluttering that junk drawer you’ve been meaning to tackle for the last six months.
These are the questions to explore in the month ahead. Tomorrow, on Tuesday, February 19, we welcome the Leo Full Moon. This lunation may add to the intensity that Pisces season stir up. This is a blend of fire and water, which creates steam. It may be a little harder to focus through this Full Moon, as we might be caught in its haze, but there can be beautiful hits of inspiration through it all. If you set any intentions with the Leo New Moon six months ago, check in to see how they are coming along. And if you are craving a deeper connection with your self-expression or artistic side, take some time this week to let yourself open to that energy: “I open to my creative potential.” Here’s a tarot spread to help you connect with this week’s Full Moon: 1. What can be a source of inspiration for me at this time? 2. Where has my personal power become stronger over the last six months? 3. What step can I take to explore that power further? 4. How can I express myself moving forward? Until next time, Liz xo
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