The energy of the Moon is so fresh, it’s like a seed buried in the soil. We can’t see it, and can’t always fathom what it might grow into. Unless, of course, we’re consciously working with the Moon to plant seeds in our lives – or to pay attention to what wants to be planted. Those seeds can come in many forms. Sometimes they arrive as ideas, or dreams. Sometimes they look like frustration or overwhelm. Sometimes they come up in conversations, like when a friend makes a helpful suggestion, or a disagreement with a partner turns out to be a productive talk. Sometimes seeds do come in bigger, more obvious ways, like an offer or invitation. But most of the time they are hidden, like the Moon is when it’s still new. Bringing awareness to the passing of time allows us to notice the turning points in our lives, or the potential for growth, change, and emergence into a new chapter.
Today, Mercury enters Taurus after spending the last few weeks in fiery Aries.
This gives us all another chance to slow our thoughts and rest our minds. Aries can quicken our creativity and sharpen our tongues. It likes to move fast and can get caught up in inspiration and will act on its plans with desperate urgency. Taurus asks for calm, care, and comfort. It teaches us the value of taking breaks and stopping to smell the roses, or whatever else is blossoming around you this spring season. Allow yourself to luxuriate a little. “My work begins in awareness.” Until next time, Liz xo p.s. There are only two days left to sign up for Taking Tarot to the Next Level which starts this week, Wednesday, May 8. If you’ve outgrown beginner tarot courses and want to get beyond the basics, this class is for you:
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