Beverage Station 2nd Floor Landing
Please feel free to make tea for your client, however we suggest that you please have them bring a thermos. I have a couple of cups on the main floor you can use, or you can store a couple of your own in your personal storage box. Please feel free to donate tea. Wash any cups or dishes you use in the sink at the back of the Main Floor lounge.
Bathrooms, paper and towels
Each washroom on the 2nd floor has a storage cupboard labelled, with supplies (tissue, cleaner, etc). Please let me know when a supply is running low.
We are able to keep our costs as low as they are for Members because we don't have staff and we rely on eachother for upkeep. We are a community. Please always clean up after yourself and your client(s), all furniture and smaller items must be put back where they were found. It's a big space, and if items get misplaced or not cleaned up, tensions may rise if we all don't put in our fair share. Please take it upon yourself to help us keep the building looking neat and professional. Recycling and food garbage can be brought down to the garbage in The Plant Mystic. The simple rule is, clean up after yourself and your clients.
Dirty Sheets If you have a used sheet from a session (Reiki, Reflexology, Acupuncture, sessions where full clothing worn ), please bring them to the 2nd floor bathroom laundry bin after use, and you can find clean sheets in the white basket on the shelf in the practitioner lounge. If your session requires the use of oils, please provide your own sheets from home, as the oils stain, and then take your sheets home to wash.
Please feel free to make tea for your client, however we suggest that you please have them bring a thermos. I have a couple of cups on the main floor you can use, or you can store a couple of your own in your personal storage box. Please feel free to donate tea. Wash any cups or dishes you use in the sink at the back of the Main Floor lounge.
Bathrooms, paper and towels
Each washroom on the 2nd floor has a storage cupboard labelled, with supplies (tissue, cleaner, etc). Please let me know when a supply is running low.
We are able to keep our costs as low as they are for Members because we don't have staff and we rely on eachother for upkeep. We are a community. Please always clean up after yourself and your client(s), all furniture and smaller items must be put back where they were found. It's a big space, and if items get misplaced or not cleaned up, tensions may rise if we all don't put in our fair share. Please take it upon yourself to help us keep the building looking neat and professional. Recycling and food garbage can be brought down to the garbage in The Plant Mystic. The simple rule is, clean up after yourself and your clients.
Dirty Sheets If you have a used sheet from a session (Reiki, Reflexology, Acupuncture, sessions where full clothing worn ), please bring them to the 2nd floor bathroom laundry bin after use, and you can find clean sheets in the white basket on the shelf in the practitioner lounge. If your session requires the use of oils, please provide your own sheets from home, as the oils stain, and then take your sheets home to wash.
257 Danforth Ave Toronto |